digital wedding ebook 1 , kursy-fotografia

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CameraHobby - Wedding Photography e-Book
Wedding Photography e-Book - Table of Contents
Equipment Considerations
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It's hard to believe that it has been almost three-
years since I wrote the
, but
there's that date of August 2001 staring back at me on the Table of Contents page confirming how
quickly time flies. Here we are in May 2004 and I have written another 60 (typewritten) page e-
Book for aspiring wedding photographers.
Just as the e-Book on Photography is not meant to be definitive, merely introductory, so too is
this Wedding Photography module. Nothing beats real practical experience to hone one's skills.
Although I wrote the words, the majority of the photos used to illustrate the e-Book have been
sourced from two wedding photographer friends who have generously allowed me to utilize their
excellent images.
My thanks to Larry Rotta of Burnaby, Canada and especially to Jerry Tieng of the Philippines. I've
worked with Larry for a few years now helping him with his wedding shoots while Jerry is a former
Vancouverite relocated to the south Pacific, plying his trade in the tropics with his Nikon D2H and
Nikon D70 kit. Without their photos, this module would have been decidely the poorer for it.
Larry Rotta can be contacted through his web site at:
Jerry Tieng can be contacted through his web site at :
A last note to people who have contacted me for a PDF of this module, due to bandwidth charges,
I cannot make a PDF version available of any of the CameraHobby pages. CameraHobby is already
the single largest web site on the host server I use and goes through bandwidth like that of a
large business/corporate web site. Best thing to do is just save the HTML files to your hard drive
and then print off as you desire.
 CameraHobby - Wedding Photography e-Book
I wish you all the best in your pursuit of spectacular wedding photos for your future clients.
May 2004
Copyright © 1998-2005 Edwin Leong
CameraHobby - Wedding Photography e-Book Introduction
Wedding Photography e-Book - Introduction
So you wanna be a wedding photographer?
Wedding photography seems to be a lightning rod for opinions and attitudes from photographers
and non-photographers alike, some good and some not so good. It strikes fear into the hearts of
some photographers who would just as soon face a poisonous snake in the outback than deal with
the bride’s mother on the wedding day whereas others turn their noses at the whole wedding
photography industry as being beneath their skills.
Haughty attitudes will find their way towards the men and women that do plunge into wedding
photography. They make too little to justify the time and energy spent building up a business, or
they make far too much for so little work, as reported in 2003 by a CBS reporter (which caused a
wee bit of anguish and consternation by the wedding industry).
There are enough comments and opinions that it can make one dizzy from all the contradictory
statements and make one wonder why anyone would “want” to punish themselves by becoming a
wedding photographer.
Wedding Origins
Weddings are probably as old as civilization
itself, the joining of a man and woman into
a monogamous commitment (or man and
man, or woman and woman in a few
jurisdictions in the West, but let’s not go
there, since same-sex marriage is still very
controversial in many areas
Over the eons of time, every culture has
developed its own customs and traditions
that the bride and groom follow, or are
 CameraHobby - Wedding Photography e-Book Introduction
encouraged to follow by friends and family.
Weddings are usually associated with
religious ceremonies, symbolizing the
sanctity of the union before whichever God
the bride and groom follow. It’s an obvious
association given the near absolute power
of the church in past times, though
diminished in the 21
Century, still has
great power and influence.
Today, religious ceremonies are still
commonplace, but now weddings are legal
contracts between a man and woman and
once the government has been satisfied
with the required bureaucratic paperwork
and attendant fee, the couple can choose a
religious or civil ceremony to conclude the
Looking at the history of weddings, one can see much symbolism and much superstition over
some of the traditions. This is written from a western perspective, so you’ll forgive me for not
mentioning customs specific to other ethnic or religious groups.
As already mentioned, a church ceremony represents the couple’s commitment not only to
themselves, but also to God for their holy vows.
The wearing of white by the bride represents the purity
of the bride, as well as to ward off evil spirits.
The word “bride” is apparently old English for cook –
take that for all of its connotations in today’s world
Having witnesses at the wedding dates to Roman times
when similarly dressed attendants were required to
confuse evil spirits from knowing exactly which man and
woman were the wedding couple.
No matter what the custom and tradition, weddings
encompass the whole social strata of humanity. No
matter how limited or unlimited the budget, there is a
desire to celebrate the union and joining of two families.
From the very simple to the lavish, there is a style of
wedding for everyone and of course, there is a wedding
photographer that can be found for each type.
Although I always get butterflies in my stomach prior to
a wedding shoot, I’ve usually enjoyed the event. It’s
wonderful to be amongst so many people being happy,
having fun and celebrating the union of two people.
Like many other photographers taking the craft
seriously, there inevitably came a day when I was asked to take photos for friends at their
wedding. Rather than instantly shrink away from the request, as other seem to do, I agreed and
went headlong into it trying to learn and follow through the events of the day. After that, it
spiraled from there into trying to do weddings more seriously and formally. As of now, I am not
formally running my own business, but I am involved with another photographer’s wedding
business and assist him as second photographer. It keeps me active in photography and presents
challenges to improve and learn new methods and styles of photography. In short, it’s fun and I
enjoy it and while dreams of my own business dance in my head, I’m in no particular hurry at this
CameraHobby - Wedding Photography e-Book Introduction
While I’m no veteran with hundreds of shoots under my belt, mere dozens only, I thought I could
offer some general comments on how to pursue wedding photography from the perspective of a
part time photographer for other part time and amateur photographers interested in becoming
involved with weddings.
Copyright © 1998-2005 Edwin Leong
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